A sit-in at Colgate University in New York protesting anonymous racist posts on campus is into its third day, reports Inside Higher Ed.
The postings appeared both anonymously on the mobile app Yik Yak, and were said directly to students of color on campus.
The Colgate University Association of Critical Collegians say its protest is meant to draw attention to the microagressions experienced by students and to force the administration to implement a plan for diversity.
“In order to obtain a complete liberal arts education, one must learn and be aware of different identity politics,” the group said. “Colgate University, at this moment, has insufficient methods to address equity and inclusivity.”
Among some of the anonymous posts were “White people won life, Africa lost, sorry we were so much better than you that we were literally able to enslave you to our will” and “I chose Colgate for the lack of it’s [sic] diversity. I knew the statistics. It’s not my fault you didn’t read the fine print.”
You can read about the University’s reaction to the demonstration in Inside Higher Ed.