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Asian American Civil Rights and Community Workers Threatened for Supporting Black Lives Matter

The district director of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and a social worker combating Black Lives Matterdomestic and sexual violence have received two threatening letters in one month.

Both letters referred to the Black Lives Matter sign the two put up in their home in San Francisco’s Forest Knolls neighborhood.

The letter addressed to resident said “BLUE LIVES MATTER! Get rid of your sign, or WE will!”.

About four weeks later, a second letter appeared. This one read “It’s time to replace your BLM sign. How about CHINK LIVES MATTER”.

Bill Tamayo of the EEOC, Debbie Lee of Future Without Violence and Celi Tamayo-Lee alerted their neighbors of the incident in a letter they themselves wrote in response.

“We are writing to you to seek your support for ensuring that residents of our neighborhood can express themselves without threats or fear of harm,” they wrote.

Their sign has been up on the home since at least early 2015 without incident until now.

The letter has been republished in a local neighborhood community newsletter, Forest Knolls.

The three have lived in their home since 1993. The sign has been taken down as a safety precaution for their house guests, but they say it will be back up soon.

“We are sharing this experience with you as our neighbors so that we can ensure that all our lives are safe and that we can all continue to exercise our rights to post the BLM sign or display any other political statement of our choosing,” they said. “We are open to your ideas and suggestions to send a message that our neighborhood supports First Amendment rights and will not allow residents to be intimidated with racist threats. If you want to post a Black Lives Matter sign or any other sign to express concern and/or outrage, please do not hesitate to contact us.”
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  1. RE: Asian American Civil Rights and Community Workers Thretened for Supporting Black Lives Matter: I wish they would just change the name of BLM so people can get over this nonsense of focusing on the name rather than the cause and issues.


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