HomeCampusOpposing Rallies Face Off at Harvard Over Affirmative Action

Opposing Rallies Face Off at Harvard Over Affirmative Action

Asian American diversity rally at Harvard

Photos via Facebook

Dueling rallies between Asian Americans on opposing sides of the affirmative action debate took place Sunday at Harvard.

The Asian American Democratic Club posted pictures on Facebook of the pro-affirmative action rally Sunday ahead of today’s lawsuit challenging the legality of such programs in Harvard’s admission policies.

The Boston Globe reports that a couple of hundred people attended the diversity rally.

Chinese Americans stand together to defend diversity and affirmative action, the group said.

On the opposite side, Chinese Americans for Trump lead a demonstration of about 100 anti-affirmative action forces a few miles away.

“Face your own racism and dishonesty, Harvard, instead of continuing to slander us, polluting and cultivating a social atmosphere that is full of unfounded, destructive racial stereotypes against Asian Americans,” said Swan Lee, a director at the Asian American Coalition for Education to the Boston Globe.

A recent survey from APIA Vote found that 58 percent of Asian Americans support affirmative action, but that weakens to 38 percent when you separate the opinions of Chinese Americans and 40 percent among Vietnamese Americans.

Harvard Anti-affirmative action Rally

Republicans see this as an opening to capture Asian American voters away from the Democrats.

“If Asian Americans move to the GOP, that’s the end of the rainbow coalition in the U.S.,” said Janelle Wong, an Asian American Studies professor at the University of Maryland.  “That is a problem for the Democrats,” continued Wong who supports affirmative action.

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  1. RE: Opposing Rallies Face Off at Harvard Over Affirmative Action: If you think affirmative action kept you out of college you’re too dumb to go. Blacks make up ten percent of the population and in Ivy League and well known schools that goes down to 3 maybe 2 percent. If you think increasing that 2 to 4 percent is keeping you down, then you don’t belong there. The vast majority of the students will be White or even other Asians. The borderline cases I guarantee you will be legacy admissions . Guess which ethnic group they are going to be.


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