HomeSoutheast Asian AmericanMan who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out

Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out

A Black man who sued Officer Tou Thao and another officer in 2017 is revealing more about the case.

CNN reports that Lamar Ferguson claimed in his suit that Thao and another officer, Robert Thunder, used “cruel and unusual” punishment when both arrested him in October 2014.

“[Thao] was the most aggressive one, I was in handcuffs within the first few minutes of the incident. I was horrified,” Ferguson told The Sun.

“I was still in the alleyway, they started swinging me around and slammed me on the ground.”

The city of Minneapolis settled the case out of court for $25,000. Both the city and the officers denied liability in the settlement. Ferguson, in his lawsuit, said he was walking home when both officers stopped and handcuffed him for no probable cause.

According to CNN, Ferguson was taken to the hospital. As he was discharged, the lawsuit alleges the officers threw his discharge papers into the trash, along with some painkillers.

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  1. RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: Look at the stupid face on this Asian guy. What ..idiot! I’m Asian, to see this moron stand there like an idiot angers me so much I would like to see this fool in person and whoop his ass. What a disgrace and embarassment to the Asian community. This piece of sh*t..ought to be charged with murder. Guilty by association! How you like them green apples beeeeitch!

    • RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: No need to be racist against Asians. This man is scum, has nothing to do with his Asian face.

    • RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: I love Asian culture…the people…the music…the arts traditions like dance….so much beauty. Thao reflects NONE of that…he acted as a simple minded, savage individual….shame.

      Black man from Chicago

      • RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: Exactly! I just don’t know who raised this stupid sorry ass Asian guy. I’m ashamed. I’m Asian lady but I’m glad he’s not from the country I came from .
        Thank you for liking some of our culture. Peace to you from Emerald City ☔️☔️☔️??

    • RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: Awful!!.. it really gets my blood boiling what happened. This ex officer will hopefully have a horrible time in Jail.
      Can’t stand racism!! These evil people should suffer!! We are all one race… its sad.

    • i was pulled over by thou for rolling a semi truck though an intersection where the light went from yellow to red as i couldnt see it behind the truck no accident no close calls but thao saw this pulled me over and tried like hell to get me mad and create a confrontation i ignored this jerk and just said yes sir or no sir wish i had cellphone on record would have been in chiefs office playing it

  2. RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: How on Earth do you kick an innocent man’s teeth in, in front of his pregnant girlfriend (Ferguson was walking with her when Thou and another officer abducted and beat him) and then deprive him of painkillers and his treatment plan from the hospital (beyond cruel) and cost the city $25,000 and keep your job?!? Some ppl get fired over when their cash register is $5 short but this guy gets to use his badge to abduct someone and kick their teeth in and keep their job?!? Really? Way to send a msg to your officers that they can get away with murder…and oopsie! They believe you and boldly murder someone right in front of 20 witnesses?? How many ppl did they murder BEFORE they got caught on tape?? Thou IS the smoking gun and MPD should be held accountable for leaving him on the streets among us. CLEARLY he was not fit to serve! And now ANOTHER person is dead!

  3. RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: I am going to share this article on my IG page!

  4. RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: That officer should be charged as well they think they are above the law because they wear an uniform
    If Minnesota has death penalty the prosecution should go after it

  5. RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: I’m Asian too and after seeing this mo**er fuc*er, it just angered me more. Tou Thao is nothing but a piece of trash, worthless piece of trash, think he’s above the law by wearing that uniform.

  6. RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive forces speaks out: Thou is a CRIMINAL. HE DIDN’T LET THE FOLKS STANDING BY INTERFERE AND SAVE THE MAN UNDER THE KNEE OF THAT MURDERER.


  7. RE: Man who sued officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: do you know that Tou thaos sister is a wife of Derek Chauvin?

    • RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: That’s not true. They are not brother and sister. She has a brother who is a police officer, but he is a police officer in Saint Paul, not in Minneapolis. Completely different people.

  8. RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: Felony murder. And first degree as well. Nothing less. He should be sent to prison and see how big his balls are. And his asshole for that matter. I am Asian and I feel sick watching a bastard like him.

  9. RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out; Can you tell me what prompts a Oriental Officer TOU THAO, to treat African
    American this way when a M. F., like that should be grateful for being in the
    united States of America?
    Is he a racist too?

  10. RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: Asians are racists too. We are not exempted from that disease. To be honest, even the Africans are racists too. Google xenophobia in South Africa. Racism has nothing to do with colors, it is an attitude.

    • RE:Man who sued Officer Tou thao for excessive force speaks out: Thao went through the police academy in 2009 and became a community service officer until he was laid off. He returned to the police force in 2012.

  11. RE:Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: Thao is an accessory to a murder. Thao may think he is doing his job for his senior officer to assist, but he definitely was not trained properly by the the police department of Minneapolis. This is generations of faulty, bias altitudes and practices.

  12. RE: Man who sued Officer Tou Thao for excessive force speaks out: They Decided to Change the World On May 25th, 2020 . Racism Randomly Played A Role. key Factor is You Can imagine How George Knew That His Life Was Helpless And His Wrist Was HandCuffed. No Freedom Of Right and No Freedom Of Speech and Who Cares That He Had A Family and He Had A Daughter. Life Should Get Better And Ppl. Shouldn’t Have to Fear Police OFFicers in their Line Of Duty . “ I CANT BREATHE.”

  13. Chauvin was fired by the Chief of MPD the “Day After” the George Floyd incident. I think PO Tou Thao was Chauvins partner on the day George Floyd was killed. Both officers had many prior allegations of abuse. Why were they Still on the job.? Why were they together ? Thao IS guilty for allowing Chauvin to kill George Floyd. He did Nothing to save George Floyds life.
    I live in New York. I went to school with Blacks,Asians,Greek,Iranian,Muslim,Russian and on and on. My High School was half black half white and we all hung out together. I lived in Queens NY. It wasn’t perfect but, we NEVER had anything like this bullshit. The cops were cool and we returned the respect. WTF. has changed and WHY has law enforcement become what it IS today.? Excessive over zealous writing of Speeding tickets and choke holds and abuse that’s gone off the charts. Why does this shit keep happening ?

    All I have to say is……Chauvin better be found guilty.


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