HomeAsian AmericansWill New TV Series on KKK Expose Hate, or Promote It?

Will New TV Series on KKK Expose Hate, or Promote It?


By Louis Chan
AsAmNews National Correspondent


A new series just announced from A&E is igniting an age old debate.

Does media expose wrongdoing or promote it, especially when it comes to sensational topics such as the Ku Klux Klan?

The new docuseries Generation KKK is scheduled to debut in January and run for eight episodes.

“We certainly didn’t want the show to be seen as a platform for the views of the KKK,” Rob Sharenow, general manager of A&E, told the New York Times. “The only political agenda is that we really do stand against hate.”

Many on social media, however, disagree.


The show comes at a time many are blaming the media for the election of Donald Trump, saying news organizations paid too much attention to his candidacy at a time few gave him serious consideration as an electable president.

The strongest argument I’ve heard against the A&E docuseries is what is there to expose. The KKK has long been considered racist, homophobic and against everything not White. This group has been exposed ten fold.The danger of a show like this is the minority in this country that supports such hateful ideology will only become more emboldened by this.

What do you think? Will this show expose the KKK or promote it?
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  1. RE: Will new TV Series on KKK Expose Hate or Promote It: It is very important to monitor these groups and activities. I can tell you I was quite shocked to learn of the white racist strongholds in the deserts of California. They are way more numerous and powerful than most have fathomed. We just assume this is a down south thing, but it is all across the nation. Of course, information can be interpreted differently, and this could gain more racists to their cause. However, I think it is best to keep an eye on these things, lest they secretly get out of hand.


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