HomeAsian AmericansPeople Acting Stupid: Driver Goes into Racist Tirade against U.S. Veteran

People Acting Stupid: Driver Goes into Racist Tirade against U.S. Veteran

Fremont Road Rage
By Ed Diokno
Views from the Edge
Once again, the old “go-back-to-your-country” expletive (Yes, to me that’s an expletive) was hurled at an Asian American.
The target of the tirade was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, putting his life on the line so a woman can tell him, “this isn’t your f–king country.”
Then she pulled her eyes back — yes, she did — and said, “This is my country, this is not a Chinese. Oh my god, Chinese ugly.”
James Ahn, a resident of Fremont, California, said he was driving at the speed limit but an aggressive driver wanted him out of the way because she wanted to pass. When Ahn changed lanes to get out of the way, the driver passed him then cut in front of him, causing Ahn to slam on his brakes, he said.
The comments occurred when the two cars were side by side at a stoplight.


Fremont police said no crime was committed and there was nothing they could do. With non legal recourse, Ahn posted the video, captured by one of his passengers, on Facebook.

“I later realized that this was more like a hate crime than a road rage,” Ahn wrote on Facebook.

To add insult to injury, the driver of the other car spoke with a noteceable Slavic or Russian accent indicating she may be a recent immigrant herself. Why she thinks she is more of an American than Ahn, who immigrated from Korea in 1992 and who joined the U.S. military in 2012, is beyond me.

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  1. RE:People Acting Stupid: Driver goes into racist tirade Against U.S. Veteran: First are we surprised . Second she’s an immigrant from her accent how sad . Third the funny eyes . Do we need any more evidence- it’s a racist gesture . It’s not funny .

  2. RE: People Acting Stupid: Driver Goes into Racial Tirade agajnst U.S. Veteran: Unless you’re a native American Indian, this is not your country. We are all immigrants. Just because your eyes as rounder does not make you prettier. This POS should look at the mirror and get on the scale once in a while. How can an ugly person accuse other of being ugly?

  3. RE: People Acting Stupid: Driver Goes into Racist Tirade against U.S. Veteran: If her quote is verbatim, then she is pretty stupid herself. Illiterate grammar, etc. What a POS! I would have told her she needs to go back to her own f**ked up country!


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