President Obama got into hot water for calling California’s Kamala Harris “by far the best looking attorney general.” So far the editors of Maxim haven’t gotten into similar trouble.
Harris ranked 54th in this year’s Maxim Top 100 list, according to Breitbart.
Maxim said this about the Indian American/African American Harris: The current Attorney General of California cracks down on hate and financial crime like a bawss and created the Environmental Justice Unit in San Francisco. She makes following the law super sexy!”
Coming in at 79 and80 are actress Jamie Chung and NBC Host and News correspondent Hoda Kotb.
“Ms. Kotb brightens our everyday and occasionally puts up with our fearless leader, Dan Bova, on Today. We’ll always want a morning cocktail with the Egyptian goddess!”
Jamie Chung has been a regular in Maxim. According to Wetpaint, not only did she make the Maxim list, but her pilot Believe just got picked up by NBC.
Said Maxim: “This luscious lady was first seen on MTV’s The Real World: San Diego (2005), but she’s enjoyed more than just a simple 15 minutes of fame. After this stint placed her under the public eye, Jamie has been in Sucker Punch and The Hangover Part 2, and has had recurring roles on TV shows Days of Our Lives and Once Upon a Time.”
You can see the entire top 100 Maxim List here.