The Asian Pacific Directors Coalition has voted to support fired Medina, Washington police chief Jeffrey Chen in his lawsuit against the city, reports NW Asian Weekly,
Chen has worked in the past with APDC to combat the problem of Asian and Pacific American street gangs in the 1990’s.
The former police chief alleges in his lawsuit that his dismissal was racially motivated. He won a $2 million dollar judgment against the city, but that verdict was vacated by the Federal judge overseeing the trial.
Medina is appealing.
“To me, as a Chinese American, the racial remarks by the City Manager and other city staff were very insulting, hateful and demeaning. Judge Zilly is wrong to assume otherwise, said Doug Chin, president of the Seattle Chapter of the Organization of Chinese Americans.
You can read Chin’s entire remarks and more background on Chen’s case in NW Asian Weekly,