HomeBlogsHuffington Post: When is a joke racist?

Huffington Post: When is a joke racist?

Holland's Got TalentIt’s probably one of those controversies that will likely never get resolved with people on both sides unbending.

When is a joke racist?

The very question upsets some and excites others.

It’s a question tackled by PP Wong in the Huffington Post.

Wong sees many racially tinged jokes as a form of “grown up racial bullying.”

A most recent high profile example she cites are the comments made to a Chinese contestant on the show Holland’s Got Talent.

If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch it below.

Wong suggests a litmus test to determine if a joke is racist. Unfortunately its not a test most who like to tell offensive jokes will likely take.

What’s your take? When does a joke go too far?
Thanks to YP Lee for alerting me to this post.


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