More than 100,000 people are expected Saturday and Sunday at the Asian American Expo in Pomona in Southern California, reports the Daily Bulletin.
The expo features booths and exhibits from Asian American businesses, as well as entertainment.
This year will feature for the first time a ramen eating contest.
“The expo is a fun event for families from throughout Southern California,” said Dale Coleman, vice president of the Pomona Fairplex where the event is held. ““It’s definitely getting a sense of everything everyone has to provide.”
You can read more about what you can expect at the Expo in the Daily Bulletin.
RE: More than 100,000 expected at Asian American Expo: Wonder if hot dog contestants Sonya Thomas & Juliet Lee will be in the ramen eating contests???…..Thomas has consumed 42 & Lee has downed 30 in 10 minutes in annual Coney Island 4th of July head to head competition in recent memory.