Administrators from two rival school districts in Rochester, NY are joining together to condemn a chant playing off Indian American stereotypes directed at a South Asian American player. reports the chant inferred that all Indian Americans ran convenience stores where slurpees are sold.
The yell leader of the Pittsford-Sutherland fan club lead his members in the chant “We want slurpees” as the player shot his free throws.
That leader has since been removed from his position on the club and later apologized.
“I do want this boy to feel comfortable knowing that what was shared, in no way, shape, or form is indicative of how Pittsford students, or athletes, or community members feel. That we appreciate diversity We appreciate all people,” said
Mike Pero, Pittsford Schools Superintendent during a joint news conference with Kevin McGowan, Brighton Schools Superintendent.
“Both districts, support an environment that supports all kids. An environment that’s really free from any kind of harassment or bullying,” said McGowan.
You can watch video of the incident in the video report below.