Kristina Wong puts it bluntly.
“Broaching the topic of “White Privilege” is not synonymous with “All white people are evil and, I hate them all.”’ she wrote in her blog for XO Jane.
The comedian jokes that discussions about race and privilege can clear out a room pretty quickly of whites. Her statement is not far from the truth.
Race is a conversation few people want to have. Discussions about privilege can even be more difficult. But as Kristina points out, they are necessary.
Kristina writes “If you are a white person who gets nervous when white privilege gets brought up, imagine having to navigating racism in every day life as a person of color who must live with it. Imagine systemically being locked out of better education or healthcare, job opportunities or the mainstream American narrative.”
Buzzfeed recently came out with a check list to measure your privilege. It’s a good conversation starter and shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes to fill out.
Check out the list and then read Kristina’s blog on XO Jane. How privileged are you?