Here’s an interesting fun fact. I09 citing various articles reports there’s quantitative proof that Chinese food sales spike on Christmas.
That would seem to indicate that the delicacy is more than just a Jewish tradition on Christmas.
According to Grub Hub, the sale of Chinese food increased 152 percent on Christmas day. Other food categories declined by at least 30 percent.
Google searches for Chinese food also spike Christmas day, indicating people are either looking for recipes or restaurants to visit or phone in their take out orders.
How about you? Is Chinese food part of your Christmas menu? In the past, it has been part of mine, although today I’ll have a more traditional menu.
I agree with you. Chinese food price increase almost 20% on Christmas. On the evening this holy day, i visited a market to get some food but there is price spike on Chinese Food.
Its really good awesome site , I found it very useful but still one question disturbing me can i ask ?
Ask away.
RE: Chinese food on Christmas is more than a Jewish tradition: I also agree! We are and Chinese Restaurant in the town of Milford Ma and our phone rings all day long on Christmas and New Years Days. It is easier to order out and not have to prep dinner for everyone. Plus you get to spend more quality time with your friends and family.