Sony has ended its silence about the negative push back Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders and Native Hawaiians have been directing at the new Cameron Crowe film, Aloha, starring Bradley Cooper,
“While some have been quick to judge a movie they haven’t seen and a script they haven’t read, the film ‘Aloha’ respectfully showcases the spirit and culture of the Hawaiian people.” read a statement published in the Los Angeles Times.
“Filmmaker Cameron Crowe spent years researching this project and many months on location in Hawaii, cultivating relationships with leading local voices. He earned the trust of many Hawaiian community leaders, including Dennis ‘Bumpy’ Kanahele, who plays a key role in the film.”
Ty Kawika Tengan, Chair of Ethnic Studies at the University of Hawaii, has called the trailer “typical Hollywood,” that uses “Hawaii is the verdant background for white fantasies.”
The Media Action Network for Asian Americans has criticized the casting of the film which features no Asian Americans in significant speaking roles despite Hawaii being 58% Asian American.
You can read more about Crowe’s efforts to reflect the Hawaiian culture in his movie in the Los Angeles Times.