A story widely circulated in Korea about a Korean American student so gifted she was admitted simultaneously to two universities appears to be a hoax, reports Kotaku.
18-year-old Sara (Jung Yoon) Kim is a student at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Virginia.
The math prodigy supposedly was wanted by Stanford and Harvard so badly the two universities got together and made a unique proposal.
The schools reportedly created a dual admission program in which Sara would be allowed to attend Stanford for her freshman and sophomore years and then Harvard in her junior and senior years. She would then get to decide which university she would accept her diploma.
Chosun.com which originally reported the story is now reporting denials from both universities. The first article including letters from both colleges making the offer. Both universities deny sending it. The father who supplied the letters to Chosum says the offer is so unique, most people at the school’s aren’t aware of it and still maintains the offer is real.