A campaign is underway for a series of U.S. Postage Stamps to honor the many contributions of Japanese American veterans, reports the Daily Breeze.
The idea was first proposed 15 years ago, but has taken on renewed urgency in the wake of the Paris attacks and the backlash against Syrian refugees.
“These same issues that happened in World War II that everybody thought we had come away from have emerged again,” said Agnes Gomes-Koizumi, of the Go for Broke National Education Center in Torrance, CA.
“This is a story that cannot be told with one stamp,” Gomes-Koizumi said. “Each one of these stamps is a learning experience that has shaped the fabric of America. It’s a story of courage and resilience, but it is also a story of discrimination and what it means to be American. It’s a story that’s as relevant today as it was 70 years ago.”
Only 2,000 Japanese American veterans remain alive today out of the estimated 33,000 who enlist in World War II. Organizers believe time is running out to honor these brave men. They produced this humorous but pointed video to back their campaign.
They Deserve A Stamp from Content Media Group on Vimeo.
For more information, you can go to TheyDeserveAStamp.org.