#DontEraseIndia is a new social media campaign rallying against an attempt to remove references to India and Hinduism in text books used in California public schools, reports ABC7 News.
The text book are used by sixth and seventh grade public school students in the state.
A group of South Asian scholars are proposing substituting the word India with South Asia.
“India is such a big country and they’re just generalizing it to South Asia,” one girl said.
#Donteraseindia covers up discrimination faced by Dalits,Tribal,Minorities in India #DontEraseOurHistory #endcasteapartheid #ExposeRSScals
— GlobalGanga (@globalganga) April 7, 2016
Very selective negative campaign to remove India and Hinduism from CA Textbooks. #DontEraseIndia — Sanjay Tripathi(@amodsanjay) April 6, 2016 @HinduAmerican needs to stop with its denial. No Hindutva in CA textbooks. #donteraseourhistory #DonteraseIndia https://t.co/7ZqPoW6DfZ — Vinay Bhat (@NegativeNancee) April 7, 2016
Efforts to reach the scholars proposing the changes were unsuccessful.
A vote is scheduled for May on the proposed changes by the State Board of Education
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