HomeChinese AmericanProstitutes Take Over Block in Flushing's Chinatown

Prostitutes Take Over Block in Flushing’s Chinatown

Flushings, Queens, NY
Flushing’s, Queens, NY Via Google Maps Street View

Brothels and their prostitutes have reportedly taken over a small segment of 40th Road in Flushing’s, Chinatown, reports the New York Post. The paper reports hookers are operating out of eight massage parlors on one tiny block.

Posts reporters say they were solicited for sex three times within two hours. One woman walked a reporter into one of eight rooms and offered the reporter “everything” for $100. The paper reports that “everything” is code for intercourse.

The reporter feigned a back injury and promptly left the parlor.

Other businesses say the sex trade on the block has scared their customers away.

“I can’t run my business because there are girls in front of the doors and they give me a hard time and my customers.”

Days after this story ran in the Post, police conducted raids on several suspected sex dens, but the paper says the hookers were back in business days later.

“They are doing it on the other side of the street,” said Councilman Peter Koo said to the Post. “There are a lot more on the other side. Police promise us they are going to close more in the next couple weeks.”

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  1. RE: Prostitutes Take Over Block in Flushing’s Chinatown: Really? Do you think article meets professional journalistic standards? Sex workers are real people – not a blight in the community – who deserve to be reported on in humanizing ways.


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