A coalition of Chinese and Asian American groups is urging President Biden to withdraw his nomination of Casey Arrowood for U.S. Attorney General of the Eastern District of Tennessee.
Arrowood lead the failed prosecution of University of Tennessee professor Dr. Anming Hu under former President Trump’s China Initiative.
Asian American civil rights organizations have cited the Hu case as an example of racial profiling of researchers prosecuted for being Chinese.
“This is ridiculous,” Dr. Anming Hu said about the nomination to the Tennesse Lookout. “This is the worst presidential nomination ever. I am shocked at this news.”
APA Justice, Asian American Scholar Forum, Tennessee Chinese American Alliance and United Chinese Americans are calling on supporters to write letters in opposition to the nomination.
“The nomination of Mr. Arrowood is an affront to the Asian American, immigrant, and scientific communities. It opens a new wound when we still need to heal from the targeting and fallout before and during the “China Initiative,”‘ United Chinese Americans wrote on its website.
Hu’s faulty prosecution, along with a host of other falsely accused Chinese professors, led President Biden to rescind Trump’s China Initiative back in February.
“My case was a case of wrongful prosecution, and I believe (if Arrowood is confirmed) similar things will happen again and will damage long term the U.S. (government’s) reputation,” Hu said. “If you do something wrong, you should have consequences. Instead, (Arrowood) is getting rewarded. It is very unfair. I do not think this is a reasonable nomination.”
The Senate Judiciary Committee received the nomination on August 1. It has not yet been set for a vote.
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