An editorial in the New Jersey Star Ledger contends a recent court ruling throwing out a lawsuit challenging NYPD spying on Muslim Americans runs roughshod over the constitution(photo by ADL999).
In the ruling on Thursday, federal judge William Martini ruled the police couldn’t monitor Muslim terrorist activity without monitoring the Muslim American community itself.
The judge says any harm inflicted on the Muslim community is not the fault of the NYPD, but the Associated Press reporters who broke the story by disclosing documents without authorization, reported MSNBC.
“Nowhere in the Complaint do Plaintiffs allege that they suffered harm prior to the unauthorized release of the documents by the Associated Press. This confirms that Plaintiffs’ alleged injuries flow from the Associated Press’s unauthorized disclosure of the documents,” Martini wrote. “The harms are not ‘fairly traceable’ to any act of surveillance.”
The AP didn’t comment on the ruling, but the New Jersey Star Ledger did.
The paper wrote: “It’s not the cops’ fault for spying on you; it’s the media’s fault for telling you you’re being spied on. If you don’t know about it, what’s the harm?”
You can read the reasons behind the editorial, then let us know what you think.