The Temple University Asian Students Association is expressing disappointment at what it considered the administration’s “dismissive” response to a racial incident on campus.
The group is organizing a field trip to the Pan Asian American Community House. On the group’s online registration form, someone registered as “Ching Chong” with the email [email protected]
When it informed the school about this incident, the administration responded it could not help.
The group released the following statement.
“Despite any harmless intentions of the perpetrator in making such comments, racial slurs are never appropriate to use as they undermine the value and legitimacy of a particular population. Racial slurs and name calling have been one of the most prominent issues faced by all different minority communities throughout U.S. history. They not only hurt the harmony between racial groups, but also encourage racism.”
TempleASA will not tolerate any racism on campus against ourselves or any ethnicity groups. We would also like to appeal to the administration of Temple University for the lack of response in helping minority organizations such as ours. Incidents like this are relevant to the entire student body.
The group is calling on the University to hire a Multicultural/ Diversity Coordinator to develop a strong support system for student’s of color on campus and to deal with issues of racial harassment.
Groups like the Temple ASA are there to support Asian Americans in a nurturing environment where their culture is accepted and celebrated. Use of racial slurs only reminds the students that there are still places on campus and in the community where they are not accepted and welcomed.
The University could have chose to offer comfort and support to the students. Instead it chose to dismiss their concerns as unimportant. That is indeed unfortunate and shows the administration itself could benefit from cultural sensitivity and training.