Ellen Pao, who rocked the tech world with her sex discrimination suit against venture capitalist firm Kleiner Perkins, has dropped her appeal in the case, reports re/Code.
Pao lost the jury trial earlier this year and says an appeal would be too costly for her to wage.
“I think I brought these important issues to the forefront of the conversation, but the online aggression has had a toll on me and my family,” she said. “That so many people heard what I had to say, against all that was brought to bear against me, is a testament to the depth of the problem related to women and tech … [But] I have gone as far as I can go and cannot commit the resources and time that would be needed to continue.”
It’s been a tough year for Pao. Months after her defeat in court, she resigned as interim CEO of Reddit over differences in the way she handled the trolls on the popular site.
re/Code reports its unclear if Pao will have to pay the $276,000 Kleiner Perkins had demanded in legal fees. The firm had earlier said it would drop its demand if she dropped her appeal.
Kleiner Perkins said its happy to put the matter behind her.
Pao wrote a blog for re/Code about her decision to drop the appeal which you can read in its entirety here.