Best selling author Amy Tan’s newest novel will pick up a theme that has run through many of her work, the relationship between mother and daughter.
“The Valley of Amazement,” will be released November 5 and will delve more deeply into how her characters are shaped by their mothers, according to AZ
She describes her own mother Daisy as compassionate and loyal, but one who felt betrayed by her own mother who committed suicide.
“I find myself having the same traits,” Tan said. “I definitely think of this very strong feeling of having people not look down on me stems from her.
Valley of Amazement follows the story of a little girl whose mother ran a high end house of prostitution.
“I had to imagine what it would have been like,” Tan said. “My character had to be related to her character.”
It was a story inspired in part by Tan’s grandmother. You can read more about that in AZ