A woman frustrated about stereotypes and misinformation about her beliefs as a Muslim has set up a booth specifically designed to draw attention and elicit questions and dialogue, reports M Live.
Mona Haydar and her husband came up with the idea after hearing an episode of the radio show This American Life and heard about an Iraqi woman who did something similar with a booth Talk to an Iraqi.
Haydar calls her little stand Ask a Muslim.
“I was afraid we’d face a lot of Islamophobia because of all the Donald Trump rhetoric,” Haydar said. “But honestly, I decided if we were going to do it, we were going to have to go in with really positive attitudes.”
The response has been positive with many people simply coming up to her just to talk. Her booth is set up outside the Cambridge Library in Massachusetts.
Some do have questions about her religion, but just as importantly, people who may not have had an opportunity to meet a Muslim on a personal level leave with what is hopefully a positive experience.
It’s too bad one has to set up a booth to spark a dialogue, but as they say, talk is always good.
You can read more first hand accounts of her experience with Ask a Muslim on M Live.