HomeCampusHuff Post: Native Hawaiian Graduate Bares It All for His People

Huff Post: Native Hawaiian Graduate Bares It All for His People


Kala Kaawa Kalā Kaawa made quite an impression at his winter graduation from the University of Hawaii, reports the Huffington Post. (image from Facebook).

Kaawa took off his robe and stripped to his loin cloth to the cheers of fellow graduates as he accepted his diploma.

This wasn’t a defiant show from an exhibitionist.

Kaawa was showing off the malo, or traditional Hawaiian loincloth he had performed in earlier as part of the graduation’s opening ceremony.

” I really didn’t expect this to blow up as much as it did,” Kaawa wrote on his Facebook page.  “Gotta give mahalo to God. Through him, anything is possible!”

Kaawa said he wanted to remind people not to be ashamed of their culture.

You can read more about what motivated him and how this came about in the Huffington Post.


  1. RE: Native Hawaiian graduate bares it all for his people: Nice post.! Graduation day comes once in life, so it should be celebrated with huge fun and entertainment.


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