HomeAsian AmericansSuspected Rapist Accused of Targeting Asian Woman Arrested

Suspected Rapist Accused of Targeting Asian Woman Arrested

Roy Charles WallerA man dubbed the NorCal rapist who is accused of targeting Asian women since 1991 has been arrested, reports NBC Bay Area

Police arrested Roy Charles Waller this week while he was on his way to work at UC Berkeley where he has been employed since 1992 as a safety specialist.

Many of his known victims have been Asian women who were attacked over a wide area in Northern California that encompassed Sacramento, Davis, Chico and Martinez.

Police identified Waller as the suspect after they obtained two samples of his DNA and matched it to various crimes scenes.

“The answer has always been in the DNA,” said Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert to ABC7 News. “For 27 years there has been one common thread, his DNA. I have often said in my career that DNA is the silent witness to the truth.”

According to NBC Bay Area, all his victims since 1996 have been Asian.  Authorities believe he studied his victims and their patterns for weeks before attacking them in their homes when they would be most vulnerable.

Waller is scheduled to be arraigned Monday on 12 counts of aggravated sexual assault.


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  1. RE: Suspected Rapist Accused of Targeting Asian Woman Arrested: Wish there had been an explanation as why it took so long to catch/find him. Also interesting that the sketch of this caucasian man looked Latino or some person of color. Might the sketch artist been biased given the victims were Asian and assumed the rapist was also or at least a person of color? Interesting indeed.


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