HomeAsian AmericansJoe Biden pledges to lift H-1B visa ban blocking skilled foreign workers

Joe Biden pledges to lift H-1B visa ban blocking skilled foreign workers

Presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden is pledging to lift the ban on H-1B visas implemented by President Trump last month, reports the American Bazaar.

The ban prevents the hiring of skilled foreign workers during the pandemic.

“That will not be in my administration,” Biden said. “The people coming on these [H-1B] visas have built this country.”

Tech companies, particularly, rely on the visa program to fill its work force. They point to the inadequate number of skilled technical workers as making the program necessary.

Trump has said he doesn’t want foreign workers taking jobs from Americans at a time of high unemployment.

H-1B visas are especially popular among workers out of India and various East Asian countries.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai tweeted that immigrants have contributed “immensely” to the American economy, and that he was disappointed at the decision that undermines diversity as a pivotal merit, the Free Press Journal reported.

The ban technically expires at the end of the year, but the President has already both extended and expanded the ban once.

Biden pledged to fulfill his commitment his first 100 days in office.

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