Two separate surveys recently released have identified the opinions of Asian Americans during COVID-19.
A poll by the Center for Asian Americans United for Self-Empowerment found 74% of APAs in California believed that the worst of COVID-19 has yet to come, reported the Asian Journal.
Another report compiled by the Asian Pacific Islander American Health Forum revealed 9 out of 10 groups said more bilingual resources were needed. The APIAHF survey polled 45 community groups.
Three out of four called for more funding to avoid cuts in programming and staff.
Four out of five said community members need unemployment benefits and application assistance and three out of four called for more support of small business and greater food assistance.

CAUSE teamed up with Hispanas Organized for Political Equality and the Los Angeles Urban League to survey 1184 adults across California.
86% says they are “worried about themselves or their immediate family contracting COVID-19.”
76% of APAs believe that our economic slump will continue and 77% agree states and communities lifted stay at home orders too quickly.
44% describe race relations as good or excellent, down 13 points from February.
Half said they personally feel discrimination due to COVID-19.
“COVID-19 has ignited widespread discrimination and hate crimes towards Asian Americans, which has evidently affected their perception of race relations. Asian Americans have become more aware of the discrimination against their own communities, as well as against other communities of color,” said CAUSE Board Chair Charlie Woo . “The fact that more Californians [now] recognize Asian Pacific Americans don’t just fit in as model minorities, but also are discriminated against and face challenges too, shows huge progress.”
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