HomeMulticultural-MultiracialActress Chloe Bennet contracts COVID-19

Actress Chloe Bennet contracts COVID-19

Photo from Wikimedia Creative Commons by Gage Skidmore

Actress Chloe Bennet shared her battle with the coronavirus Thursday.

“On Christmas morning I woke up with a high fever, and unable to breathe. I got tested, and I’m positive for COVID-19 … it’s been a rough week to say the least,”she wrote in an Instagram story.

Bennet said several family members also have the disease and that they are battling it out together.

“COVID sucks,” she went on to say. She urged people to take the disease seriously saying she had taken every possible precaution, but still came down with the disease. Apparently not even the Marvel cinematic universe can save her from the pandemic.

“So I guess I’m on here just trying to remind anyone whose reading this, that yes 2020 is coming to an end, but this pandemic is still raging on, and if you can, don’t let up. Stay distant, stay safe, wear a mask,” Bennet concluded. “On that note, I love you guys, stay healthy, and happy (almost) new year. X CB. P.S. f— you 2020, I can’t wait to not be in you.”

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