HomeCampusAttacks on Asian at NYU spark alarm among students

Attacks on Asian at NYU spark alarm among students

Campus security at New York University sent out an alert this past week about a series of attacks on Asian students.

Three of the four victims so far have been Asian and authorities are going on the assumption the attacks are racially motivated.

School authorities say in the latest incident, someone struck an Asian student in the face without warning as he walked on W. 4th Street between Mercer and Greene Streets by a male-presenting individual with blonde hair.

“It’s like a punch here, on the left side of my head, and then it just happened,” said the victim, AJ Sun. “I had no time to react and then the person just ran away,” he said to NBC4.

The suspect is described as described as having a beard and as being 5’6” or 5’7” in height. NYU says there is resemblance to a man arrested by the New York Police Department in connection to the attacks on 7 Asian women in two hours.

Police are investigating a possible connection between this suspect and the one at NYU.

“We are, of course, deeply concerned about these incidents. There is no videotape of the incidents that would give us additional information or investigative material that would allow us to determine more definitively how these incidents might be related; nevertheless, it seems likely that at least some, if not all, of the incidents are connected. And given the fact that three of the four incidents involved Asian students, we are proceeding on the assumption that anti-Asian bigotry must be playing a role,” the school said in a statement.

Students are demanding more to be done to increase campus safety.

“NYU Safety and security officials should realize that they are the ones responsible of helping to keep students safe,” said sophomore Naomi Tanaka to NBC4.

NYU said it is adding more security cameras, increasing police foot patrols, and have police on high alert.

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