HomeCampusBoard votes to return SF's Lowell to merit-based system
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Board votes to return SF’s Lowell to merit-based system

Admittance to San Francisco’s prestigious Lowell High School will once again be based on test scores and grades following a vote by the school board.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports the board voted 4-3 to return to the merit-based system Wednesday after two years of using a lottery.

The implementation of that lottery sparked controversy and lead to the recent recall of three school board members as well as a lawsuit, reported ABC7 News.

However, observers also say Wednesday night’s decision could also inspire a lawsuit.

The district originally went to the lottery system to diversify a student body that was majority Asian American.

“The lottery system means Lowell is diverse,” said Virginia Marshall, president of the San Francisco Alliance of Black Educators. “It is not just for one ethnic group. It’s for all students who choose to make Lowell their home.”

However, others said a better solution would be to improve preparation of students from underrepresented communities.

“Let’s fix the elementary and middle schools in the Bayview (neighborhood) so they’ll be prepared,” said Rex Ridgeway.

Jenny Lam, Ann Hsu, Lisa Weismann-Ward and Lainie Motamedi voted in the board majority. Kevine Boggess,Matt Sanchez and Matt Alexander voted against.

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  1. Folks, you’ll keep on hearing from parents who have ( most likely ) UNQUALIFIED kids that THAT 1993 State Law prohibits “Merit-based Admissions” @ public schools, i.e. Lowell High School.

    Use your Common Sense, Folks.

    IF THAT 1993 State Law actually DID do that, WHY did Lowell High School continue to have “Merit-based Admissions” from 1993 – 2020 ???

    As pointed out in the SF EXAMINER Article of March 10, 2022 ( Updated on June 16, 2022 ) by Lawyers Kate Lazarus and retired UCLA Law Professor John Crittenden, THAT 1993 State Law had nothing to do with “Merit-based Admissions” at public schools.

    The RACIST LEFTISTS/KOOKS , i.e. Allison “KAREN” Collins, Lopez, Moliga, Sanchez, Alexander, et al. , on the SF School Board used the Lottery System as COVER for going around the Merit-based Admissions Policy
    ( which had been in place ABSOLUTELY LEGALLY for decades @ Lowell High School ) in order to sneak in UNQUALIFIED Students.

    THANK YOU (!!!) to the SF RECALL VOTERS & the 4 Courageous SF School Board Members yesterday for Righting an Egregious WRONG that was arrogantly & proudly committed by the RACIST LEFTISTS/KOOKS against SF School Kids!


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