HomeAsian AmericansYale changes admissions policy in response to Scotus ruling

Yale changes admissions policy in response to Scotus ruling

Just months after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the use of race in college admissions, Yale agreed to change its admissions policy to comply.

The announcement came on the same day Students for Fair Admissions dropped its lawsuit against the Ivy League school, reported Inside Higher Education.

SFFA is the same group that filed successful suits against both Harvard and the University of North Carolina.

Politico reports the agreement between SFFA and Yale is outlined in a document filed in the United States District Court of Connecticut.

Yale agreed to explicitly state in its training manual that race would not be considered. It also altered its technology to ensure that no one involved in admissions would have access to race data.

It also said race would not be considered when making financial aid decisions.

Yale denied its announced changes are part of any deal it has made. A spokesperson told Inside Higher Ed they are “intended to comply with the Supreme Court ruling and not part of a settlement.”

SFFA originally sued Yale in 2021, but the case was stayed pending the outcome of the Harvard and UNC cases.

Ed Blum who is president of the anti-affirmative action group said he was “satisfied for now.”

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