HomeCommunity IssuesBattleground state voters blame anti-China rhetoric for Asian hate

Battleground state voters blame anti-China rhetoric for Asian hate

A new poll in eight battleground states and California found voters polled blame anti-China rants from politicians for an increase in Asian hate.

The Hill reports 60% of likely voters who responded to a poll by the National AAPI Power Fund feel that way.

More than 50% say they dislike political rhetoric that is too antagonistic or too accommodating to China.

In addition, 80% of Asian American and Pacific Islanders surveyed consider violence against their community on the rise and believe politicians should reduce the amount of China bashing they foment.

“It’s important that candidates and organizations know that anti-China rhetoric doesn’t foster any short-term or long-term gains,” said Joshua Ulibarri of Lake Research Partners who conducted the poll.

According to NBC News, the poll surveyed 900 voters from Pennsylvania, Nevada and Georgia along with five other battleground states and California. 100 of those surveyed were Asian Americans.

“It was the Japanese Americans that were targeted during World War II,” EunSook Lee of the Power Fund said. “We see that also when Russia is targeted, people don’t go after Americans of Russian descent. But in the case of Asians, we know that it’s a little bit different.”

Most of those surveyed believe the two countries need to work closer together.

AsAmNews is published by the non-profit, Asian American Media Inc. Make a tax-deductible donation of at least $40 or pledge a monthly recurring donation of at least $10 by August 31 and receive a free copy of The Legend of Mu Lan: Heroine of Ancient China, the inspiration for the classic Disney movie. We are supported in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library in partnership with the California Department of Social Services and the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs as part of the Stop the Hate program. To report a hate incident or hate crime and get support, go to CA vs Hate.


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