HomeAsian AmericansWisconsin passes bill mandating Asian American history in schools

Wisconsin passes bill mandating Asian American history in schools


On Tuesday the Wisconsin State Senate unanimously passed a bill mandating that Asian American and Hmong history be taught in public schools.

According to Madison 365, current laws require public schools to teach Black American, Latino American and Native American history. The bill approved Tuesday would add Asian Americans and Hmong Americans to that list.

For many AAPI Wisconsins, the unanimous vote is welcome news.

“I definitely was very emotional,” E Her Vang, told CBS 58. “I interrupted my partner’s workday and told him about it… we did a happy dance, and we were just super excited.”

Kabby Hong told Madison 365 he was happy the bill includes a specific focus on Hmong American history.

“The Hmong American community, and their contributions and their sacrifices for this country, have really gone unnoticed for way too long,” he said.

Now, the bill must be signed by Governor Tony Evers to become law.

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