HomeBad Ass AsiansAre Asian Americans too sensitive about the "question?"

Are Asian Americans too sensitive about the “question?”

ChinatownIf you’ve taken any introductory sociology class, you probably know people’s perspectives are often based on their own personal life experiences and little world (photo by RicardoBeirne).

It can be difficult at times for some outside the Asian American community to understand the perspectives and experiences of many Asians.

On the other hand, it would be fair to say that many Asian Americans have difficulty understanding the experiences and cultural perspectives of non-Asians.

It’s what makes cross cultural communication so difficult.

This hurdle to climb was made clear in an article on Real Clear Politics entitled Are Voters too Sensitive? It could have easily been titled are Asian American Voters too Sensitive? because the entire article focused on Asian Americans.
The article, among other things, questions why Asian Americans are offended when someone asks where they are from?
David Harsanyi wrote:

Foreign accents and unique features can arouse curiosity in people. You have to develop an impressive hypersensitivity to believe that asking people about their background infers that “you’re not a real American” — whatever that means. But even if it were, so what? Why are we so distressed about the microhostility of strangers? Why do we have to be profoundly offended by every oblivious comment? Do dumb questions erect barriers to the progress of your community?

It was the same sort of reaction Gil Asakawa got on his Facebook page when he wrote about the “question.”

The only way we can break this logjam is continuing to communicate. Articles like the one Asakwa wrote in his Nikkei View column are a good start.

Let’s get the conversation started, and let’s keep it going. Maybe then, just maybe, we can break through the logjam.


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