HomeSikh AmericansNational Sikh Day today- A day of celebration & remembrance

National Sikh Day today- A day of celebration & remembrance

Today is National Sikh Day in the United States, a day that falls on Vaisakhia, one of the most important days on the Sikh calendar.

According to the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, on this day in 1669, Guru Gobind Singh established the Khalsa, a day when Sikhs join to show their commitment to Sikhism.

Vaisakhia also celebrates the spring harvest.

Parades known as Nagar Kirtans take place today outside Sikh temples or Gurdwaras which are specially decorated for the day. The congregation also gathers to sing hymns and prayers.

Unfortunately, this weekend is also a day of remembrance of a tragic day in Sikh American history.

It was just two years ago on April 15 when eight community members, four of them Sikhs, were gunned down at a Federal Express facility in Indianapolis, IN.

Several members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus released statements to mark the day.

“In recognizing the anniversary of the Indianapolis FedEx shooting, we remember and honor the eight lives lost in this violent attack, including four Sikh community members. Unfortunately, two years later there is still more work to be done to prevent such hateful acts of violence from consistently occurring in our country. I remain committed to advocating for administrative and legislative action to prevent gun violence and anti-Asian hate in all forms, including acts like this one,” said Rep Judy Chu, chairwoman of the Caucus.

“The anniversary of this tragedy is another solemn reminder of the work that needs to be done to not only combat gun violence, but also the xenophobia, hate, and racism that continues to afflict our country,” said Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) “My thoughts and prayers are with those who lost loved ones that day two years ago in Indianapolis.”

Last month, the California Assembly voted to urge Congress to recognize the 1984 anti-Sikh violence in India as genocide, reported Times of India.

Assenblymember Jasmeet Kaur Bains, the first-ever Sikh American elected to the California Assembly, introduced the measure. The government of India estimates that 3350 Sikhs were killed that day, but independent sources estimate anywhere from 8,000 – 20,000 died.

The massacre followed after Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards.

SAALDEF hopes that Americans will take this day to learn more about the Sikh community. It is the fifth-largest religion in the world. You can learn more about Sikhs in this short brochure.

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